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As mentioned in the article What is slow fashion, ethical fashion has the vision of a fashion industry that produces goods in an ethical and ecological way. This concept promotes clothing and products that will last over time and that also have a lesser impact on the environment. In this article, you will discover tips that you can apply in your daily life and that correspond to the slow fashion movement.


Responsible purchasing

Fast fashion is becoming more and more problematic throughout Canada. We buy clothes that will be out of fashion a few months later instead of looking at the long term. In fact, more than 95,000 tons of fabric are thrown away each year in Quebec. However, there are a few tips so that everyone can do their part while still getting something out of it:

  • Choose local brands
  • Buy second-hand clothes
  • Opt for sober colors that will remain fashionable
  • Choose quality clothes that will last a long time
  • Look for eco-labels to ensure their low environmental impact
  • Choose clothes made from natural fibers as often as possible
  • If the garment is made from synthetic fiber, make sure that this at least allows the longevity of the garment
  • Think about your real needs and consume accordingly
  • Upcycle the clothes you already have to create new outfits instead of systematically buying new pieces
  • And buy from your favorite eco-responsible store

Clothes that last

Obviously, it is also important to use our clothes responsibly and take care of them if we want to keep them as long as possible. Whether it’s to keep them clean or to dispose of them properly at the end of their life, here are some tips:

  • Sort clothes by color when washing
  • Avoid putting delicates in the dryer
  • Wash and dry clothes inside out to avoid damaging them.
  • Repair broken or damaged clothes instead of throwing them away.
  • Donate unwanted clothes to thrift stores or to the community.
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