How we rate the degree of eco-responsibility of our store

In this table, you will find the criteria that we take into consideration when we are evaluating the eco-responsibility of a product.

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Raw material used

We give an important place, in our rating system, to the materials used in the manufacture of the products on our site.

Means of collecting raw materials

The working conditions of workers harvesting and producing the raw materials allowing the production of manufactured goods as well as the environmental impact of this production are of capital importance in our assessment.

Production method

We are very concerned about how raw materials are manufactured to obtain a product ready for sale. Whether for the production methods used, compliance with environmental standards or the treatment of the workforce used, we consider as many variables as possible.

Product origin

Although we do not wish to “penalize” any country, we must consider the different political, social and ethical issues present in certain countries around the world and their possible links with the products that we present to you.

Importing the product

The import method used to transport the products from the factory to the points of sale as well as the distance traveled occupies an important place in our quotation.

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Product packaging

The use of plastic, cardboard, paper, or any other packaging methods has an impact on our evaluation of each product.

Biodegradability/second life

The possibility for a product to benefit from a second life or its ability to degrade naturally in the soil are very important to us.

Delivery method

We consider that the optimization and speed of delivery of a customer's order are essential, as are the means put in place to try to reduce the environmental impact of this crucial step.


The lifespan of the products we display is, for us, a variable that must be consider when it comes to a quote.

Environmental commitment

The commitments and initiatives taken by the company for eco responsible consumption and for the environment are very significant for us.